Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Series: 'The Juggling Act' Part 2: Great expectations (dealing with disappointing others)

Learning to say no is an art! We are brought up to say no to bad things, (we get pretty good at it ☺) - but we aren’t always brought up to put in boundaries when what we are being asked to do is good!! It seems rude ☺

I think I found this the hardest thing of all when we started being asked to do all sorts of ministry all over the place – whilst at the same time trying to plant a church at home, and starting to raise our own little family.

I want to tell you something that I heard right at the beginning of this journey though, that I’ve come back to time and again as I’ve walked this through.

It was something that Brian Doerksen taught us way back in 1998. He told us how in a real vineyard, the gardiner knows that a vine can produce over 60 branches with hundreds of grapes per branch – and behind each grape that grows, there is an embryonic bud, just incase that crop fails. It’s an astounding amount of fruit for one plant! But here’s the deal – unless the gardener removes 55 of those branches, the vine will only produce fruit for one or two seasons before it dies.

I remember hearing that for the first time – and boy, did it grab my attention!

We are capable of producing an inordinate amount of fruit – but unless we yield to our maker and allow him to chop off perfectly good branches in our lives – over 90% of perfectly good branches to be precise – then we’ll never be able to sustain the course, and the fruit we bear won’t have the richness that He intended from the beginning.

I love that.

Learn what those five branches are in your life – and don’t allow the fear of others being disappointed in you, to sabotage what God wants to grow through you.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Series 'The Juggling Act' Part 1: Balance in Busyness

this is a series I put up on my myspace a while back - but I wanted to share it here too.... hope it proves helpful :)

Just say ‘no’

I get asked all the time about this – how do you balance being a Mum, a pastor’s wife, a songwriter, and a worship leader both at home and away. I smile, and then think for a moment about all the parts of my life that are full and at times a little crazy. The truth is that thanks to a very sensible husband, I’ve learned to say no to a lot of what I’m asked to do. What we need in life is a ‘balance buddy’ – someone who loves us and understands what we are called to do, yet won’t shy away from telling us to stop and reassess where we are at periodically. I wouldn’t even know where to begin without the wisdom of my husband.

These are the questions we always ask when we’re approached to take something on – is this a good thing to do right now for our family first; next does it work for our church; and thirdly do we sense this is something that’s just part of what we’re called to do.

If it’s yes to all three, and it’s something we really want to do, then we take it on. If it’s not, we don’t. Pretty simple really – except that lots of times, we have to say no to things we would dearly love to do, just because there’s only so much time a year that it’s good to be away from either our kids, or if we bring our kids, to be away from our church – that’s what makes it hard!

In the kid’s movie ‘Robots’, Big Weld’s catchphrase is ‘see a need, fill a need’ – for us as leaders, or parents, or pastors, or whatever role we fill - we have to know that our biggest need is to nurture our children and take care of our families. All other ‘needs’ come a far off second, and the truth is that someone else really can fill those needs in our place.

meet some of the family...

I had my 34th birthday a couple of weeks ago!  I thought it could be fun to show you some photos from my family birthday lunch over at Mum and Dad's house... :)

this is me and Alan - my gorgeous husband

My wonderful Mum

me and my lovely sister Janet

My Dad - what a guy!

my amazing drumming brother, Mark

There's something wonderful about being with the people you love most in the world - and it doesn't matter whether they are family by birth, or family by choice (the friends that we treasure) - the fact is, we are not meant to do this thing called life on our own.  I'd love to encourage you to persevere in those relationships - especially when it's not all that easy - they are worth fighting for...

Friday, October 17, 2008

the church has left the building

We are just right in the middle of our church conference on 'Healing on the Streets'. It's called 'The Church has left the building' - and it is wonderful!!!!
Most of the 130 or so delegates are from Europe and different parts of the UK, with one guy who even travelled all the way from Guatemala!
I led worship last night, this morning - and am on again tomorrow night and Sunday morning. It is soul refreshing to lead people SO hungry to meet with God in worship! Of course, the Lord has been doing what He always does - He's showing up and turning us inside out.
Infact, if there's one thing I've learned more than anything else over the last few years, it's exactly that - that the Lord LOVES those on the 'outside' just as much as He loves us - that He really believes He's Lord of the world!!! - that in His mind there's no difference between the people on the inside OR the outside of the church! Amazing!!!!
If we ask the Lord to show us what is most on His heart, He will always lead us from the inside out - because there are millions of people who don't know yet what their original design in meant to be - and we're the ones who get to introduce them to that. What a job!!!! - impossible and incredible, and exactly what we're here for!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Tour dates for November

As promised, I wanted to let you know the times and places I'm going to be at the start of next month as soon as I knew them :)

Brian Doerksen & Kathryn Scott Tour

November 5 @ 7pm
Seven Oaks Alliance Church 2575 Gladwin Road
Abbotsford, BC

November 6 @ 7pm
First Alliance Church 12345 40 Street SE
Calgary, AB

November 7 @ 7pm
Emmanuel Evangelical Free Church 360 McKenzie Road
Steinbach, MB

November 8 @ 7pm
Dominion-Chalmers United Church 355 Cooper Street
Ottawa, ON

For more info and online tickets: Unite Productions

The following week - 13th through 15th November, I'm going to be taking part in the Christian Musician Summit at Overlake church in Redmond, WA.

I LOVE getting to do these type of things - in fact, it still blows me away that I do! I'll write as we travel too, with little updates on how things go.


Wednesday, October 01, 2008

just uploaded some of the songs from the new live album on myspace

I'm so excited to be able to upload some of the songs off the new live album from Focusfest. This is one of those albums with a true live feel :) - which means, there's some pretty edgy moments vocally, but there's also a real sense of what was happening in worship at the time - and because of that, I really love this album!

I decided to upload three songs that come straight after each other on the record, to give you a feel of the flow of worship that happened there.

I so hope you enjoy this, and that you feel closer to the Lord as you listen. If you close your eyes, you can imagine you were with us as we worshipped with 2000 others in the Waterfront Hall in Belfast in June :)


p.s. the link for my myspace is on the right hand side of this blog :) or you can go to