Sunday, October 18, 2009
Church was wonderful this morning. Alan was teaching about healing - emotional, physical, spiritual - everywhere that we need healed. He spoke about the questions around it - saying that he has a whole lot of 'I don't knows' when it comes to this subject, but that he wants to get to the end of his days on earth and be able to say he wasn't afraid to ask God to heal. I love that!
He made a great point - does God want to heal? In Luke 4 it says that Jesus was sent by the Father to 'bind up the broken hearted, bring sight to the blind, release those in prison from their chains'. And when you look at what Jesus' life - that's exactly what he set about doing. Because Jesus is the same today as He was then, we can trust that not only does God want to heal, He's ready to do it right now.... even though there are times that when we pray nothing happens.
Sometimes it's less risky, even for the health of our own faith, to step away from the call to at least ask. Sometimes it's easier not to engage with the God who heals because of the risk of disappointment when He doesn't. Sometimes it's easier to not ask for any answers rather than run the risk of having to deal with bigger questions. But what if there's more of the 'now' of the Kingdom for us than we thought before? What if in the midst of unanswered prayers for healing, some get the breakthrough their lives depended on? I don't want to miss it for those who will be healed, because I was too afraid to deal with the fact that some don't get healed... even though I don't understand the dynamics behind it all.
It's not a very comfortable road. It's a road I'm committed to walking though for the rest of my life. I have to be a 'Kingdom carrier' even if it doesn't always work out the way I longed for because the truth is, there are many times when the Kingdom does come in the most glorious & miraculous ways. When it comes to praying for people to healed I'd rather be willing to 'mess up' than 'miss out'... so I'm going to keep trying; I'm going to keep asking. "Let your Kingdom come Father - on earth as it is in Heaven!!"
is there any way to could hear this message?
Wow, thanks for sharing this! My first wife and I walked through the valley of cancer for three years, I remember people that meant well saying that "God can and will heal you" I struggled for some time when nothing seemed to be happening, at least not that I could see. I know that God does heal but sometimes I believe that He teaches us things especially in the midst of suffering that we wouldn't otherwise learn. I know that my wife is totally healed now, safe in the arms of our Savior and sometimes that's the way healing occurs, God is sovereign and even though we may not understand the why's of this life we can take great comfort in knowing the One who does indeed heal, sometimes not how we envision it.
Ron Reffett
I discovered your blog today and am excited at what your church is doing! I also have this passion for moving outside the church walls. I am a singer on our worship team and my guitar-man husband has attended the CMS in Kirkland for the past 2 years and has complimented your input. I am going to the CMS this year, but I don't see your name on the line up.
No one reads my blog, but there I've been recording my new out-of-the-church experiences.
May the Lord bless you, prompt you and use you to extend His healing hand to our hurting ones! I love your music. -Suzan, Seattle
Oops. I forgot to add my comment on your post "Does God want to heal?"
Think on Matthew 8:2-3 where the leper said "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean." and Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man and said "I am willing." "Be clean."
and later in verse 13 He says to the centurion "Go! It will be done just as you believed it would."
Studying how Jesus healed has brought me to the discovery that I need to BELIEVE that it is always His Will that we are healed. (And sometimes the healing comes even after death. It is here we must add Trust to our believing.)
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