Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Where is the time going?

It is completely crazy to me that we are in the third week of September already!!

My kids have been back at school almost three weeks - and during that time we have had two sets of visitors stay with us, we’ve entertained other wonderful friends for the day here and there, we’ve started small group in our home again, we’ve met with architects for the new building at church, we’ve done our ordinary work into the bargain, and the days have seemed to go faster as each one passes!

I do love this time of year though. I love being able to ‘do’ some of the things I’ve only been able to think through in the summer months. And I love being able to take some of the fun of the summer and plan it into the autumn and the winter. I’m already thinking ahead to some holiday time for us as a family next year - and getting it into the diary now.

I’ve also been doing some work.

Today I finished writing some blogs for Tim Hughes and worshipcentral.org. They’ll be up there next month, and I’ll post a copy here too.

The rest of my week will be spent getting ready for a trip to Germany next week, and then the first proper ‘Deeper Tour’ in the USA the following week. And I’m doing my best to make sure I take a moment or two just to ‘breathe in’ again while I have these few days before it all kicks in.

I hope you are having a great start to the autumn too - and that the ‘busy’ hasn’t been allowed the opportunity to overtake just yet...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God....is a scripture that I am reminded of when I read your post. Taking time first thing in the morning each day is a must for me!! When I say time I mean....connecting with Christ in that intimate moment by reading his word and placing myself completely in His Holy presence. With each new day there is a unique and beautiful sunrise and a sunset that He has designed for us to enjoy. He is in the Autumn breeze and the exquisite color of the trees.

I am a busy mother of two as well. I have a son who is 13 and and daughter who is 8. My husband and I own a gourmet olive company Sicilian Village and
I am a worship leader for St. Clare of Assisi in Houston, Texas. We use your song "Hungry" during some of our services. The words are so powerful. I was so excited to see that you had the chords for "I Belong" and "Grace has Called My Name" on your hungry worshipper website....my soul hungers for true worship. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us.

I feel a stirring in the Christian community....now is the time to rise up. There are so many people who need to know our Lord and to know how to truly worship him.

My prayers are with you as you travel and carry the good news with you to the places that you are called....

Your sister in Christ,

19 September, 2009 05:18  
Blogger Mike's Travels said...

I was just thinking that today, but in my case I had to ask the question, what exactly have I done with my time?? Aaagh.

I'm just loving your song I belong to you at the moment. I recently heard that my mother is seriously ill and God gave me this song straight away. Such comfort. Thank you :)

22 September, 2009 18:21  

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