Friday, November 28, 2008
Firstly I want to say a huge thank you to all of you who have been writing to me and encouraging me - I so deeply appreciate you all!
We started off in Abbotsford - had a wonderful concert there!!! It's Brian's hometown - and so, all the family, and the families of all the band members were there too - it really was a brilliant night!
The next day we flew off to Calgary - again, it was a great evening. I love that the Lord shows up like He does, even in the middle of a concert!! But then again, that's the only reason that we do what we do!!!
Early (too, too early :) the next morning, we flew to Winnipeg. I got to spend the afternoon with my lovely friend Mary McClean (she's the lady who wrote 'Creator King') - we hadn't seen each other in person for 9 years - so that was a special day!!
That evening was special too - we drove to Steinbach - which is where Brian's Dad Harry grew up - and we did our concert there, with Harry as a special guest. It was a beautiful concert!
The next morning - all too early again - we flew out to Ottawa. Ottawa is somewhere I'd never been - and I don't think I quite expected it to be SO beautiful! It's a breathtaking city - if you haven't been, but you get the chance, you show definitely go. It reminded me of Edinburgh in Scotland - I really loved it there.
The concert that night was in a beautiful old church called 'Dominion Chalmers' - it's about 150 years old, and is a stunning building - complete with the smell of aged wood - it felt like the church I grew up in at home.
The guys in Ottawa know how to party!!! We had an amazing time together!!!!
After that I had a couple of days off - so I went to SoCal to catch some rays - these are the things you just have to do when you live in N. Ireland. I spent two and half days there, and felt like I experienced a whole Irish summer (if you live in the UK, you know what I mean ;)
I got to stay with my great friends Steve and Cindy Rethmeier - and Cindy then flew with me up to Seattle for the CMS conference.
This conference is one of my favourites - the guys there, Bruce Adolph and Matt Kees have a special place in my heart!! If you haven't been before, they do the most excellent conferences - and have started doing different locations throughout the year - please do check them out.
I've been home now for a couple of weeks. I love, love, love being with my husband and kids!!!! I just might have the best family in the world!
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
our first concert is tonight
Our first concert is tonight at 7pm in Sevenoaks Alliance church in Abbotsford. I'm really looking forward to it!!!
I'm just off now to start and get ready - we have spent the last two days rehearsing, and so now, we get to try it all out - this is the nerve wracking, life giving, fun part of touring!
If you are coming to any of the concerts over the next couple of days - I look forward to seeing you there!!!
Monday, November 03, 2008
I've started my tour :)
This is a little interruption to my series on 'The Balancing Act' - and I will come back to it :)
I just wanted to keep you up to date with what I'm doing this week and next.
I landed in Abbotsford, BC on Saturday night, and led worship at 'The Bridge' yesterday morning. It's a great church, and I thoroughly enjoyed being there!!!
Today I start rehearsals for the first of four concerts across Canada with Brian Doerksen, starting on Wednesday night in Seven Oaks Alliance church in Abbotsford.
I love being here with friends that I've known and loved for years. It's because of them that even though home is rather far away, I feel like I've just gone down the road.
Isn't it wonderful that the Lord sets us up to have a rich depth of relationship in our lives that can make anywhere on the planet feel like we belong?!
I'll let you know how we get on.
If you are interested in where we'll be - please check out my myspace -