Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Our trip to Slovakia

We just got back (in the middle of the night ;) - from our trip to Slovakia.

It was the most amazing time!! We were with two fellowships from the Catholic Church - one from the monastery where we stayed, and one from Bratislava - right in the other end of the country.

We started off with a weekend retreat together in a hotel about an hour away. These guys know how to worship! It was wonderful to get to know them; to be with them as they worshipped; and to see the Lord show up the way only He can! The presence of the Lord was so strong. It was an incredible time!

Then on Sunday night we made our way back from the retreat back to the monastery in Podolinec.

Every month on the first Sunday of the month, the fellowship that meets in the monastery hosts a worship night for people all over Slovakia. Around a thousand people show up every time, and this Sunday was no exception!! - there was standing room only, all the way up to the altar at the front.

To lead worship with the team there, in a church that had been built in 1642, with people who had come from all over the country (many had driven 6 - 7 hours to be there), was absolutely humbling!

I'm so grateful to Bohus and Rasto fro inviting us to come - and for being wonderful friends!!

I'm also so entirely grateful to the Lord that He is behind every detail - from the time and places that we meet people, to the deep connection that happens between hearts when we are joined by one vision, and one passion for Him!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

January 1st - Slovakia!!!

I am sitting here in the Podolinec monastery, right in the north of Slovakia. It is a stunning, stunning place!

Alan and I are here until Monday to do a little teaching, lead some worship, and get the chance to spend some wonderful time in prayer with friends here (some of whom we met in 2007, and some of whom we have still to meet).

I love that the Lord crosses every boundary of race and culture, language and background. He truly is Lord of the whole earth - and He loves the whole church!

I love that He invites us into the most glorious partnership with Him too - that we get to minister to people, even from the place of deep awareness of our own weakness, and yet,in the power that the Holy Spirit brings!

I can hardly wait to see what He does over the next few days. I am so thrilled to be a part of it!