a little update...
Well, what a month it's been. I was over in Texas and then Seattle about three weeks ago now. Paul Baloche and I spent a couple of days writing together - for those of you who prayed that the time would be fruitful, thank you! We had a great time and wrote two songs!!! Hopefully we'll record them fairly soon and then you can hear them too :)
Seattle was the Christian Musician Summit - and it was wonderful! I enjoyed every minute of it!!! Over the course of the two days I sang with Paul in his concert along with Brenton Brown (it was so fun to see Brenton and Jude again - we are buddies from way back), then I lead worship in one of the main sessions and taught four different seminars on everything from songwriting to leading worship on the piano. The people there were fantastic, and I came home thoroughly encouraged!!!!
Since I've been home, I've been working on demos, fine tuning some more of the details for the next album and of course, looking after and loving my family!!!
At the moment Alan is away in America for a couple of weeks, and I'm at home with the girls - one of whom is sick today :(
I'm also working on sermons for the next two weeks at church - could be a great time to ask for your prayers again.... not just for me, but for the people who are going to have to listen :)