Wednesday, September 06, 2006

just a thought

I had a thought this morning that I wanted to share. I was thinking about the lonely road of leadership - John Wimber used to say that volunteering to lead was like volunteering to be ugly! - thankfully it's only true sometimes :)

Sometimes the expectations of others can really throw us off track - whether we find ourselves in leadership or not!! The truth is that if we are going to follow the Lord with all our hearts, we have to learn to 'appropriately disappoint' people - and it's usually other Christians. It feels horrible. But the deal is this - God has captured our hearts to carry out the mission He has given us while we are on the earth. We have got to be single minded in this, and we've got to do it to the very best of the ability we've been given - not running rough shod over those around us, but not allowing ourselves to be knocked off course when we encounter criticism. Being understood doesn't always come with the territory.

I long, just like you, to hear the words 'well done' on my first day of eternity - so I'm going to try and run the race with my eye on the prize.


Blogger Tim Barosh said...

Totally agree...I was just talking to my pastor the other day. He was telling me that Nancy Beach was recently quoted at a Willow conference as saying "Ministry is really just a series of long hard conversations." Sometimes I feel like I'm just taking the wind out of people's sails on a regular basis...people I genuinely care for. I hate that making hard calls is sometimes taken so personal. I'm really just trying to faithfully steward this ministry I've been entrusted with. Very encouraging blog...thanks!

06 September, 2006 22:13  
Blogger Jen said...

Hi Kathryn...

I just wanted to say that I just recently heard "Search me, Know Me." That song, is unbelievable. I can't believe it took me just this long to hear it. The words captured me from the very start, that song is truly my prayer. Thank you for writing such a beautiful song!

I am the music director of a church in Bel Air, MD and I hope to challenge our worship team to catch the vision or dying to ourselves and becoming real (and raw) in God's presence.

Thank you!

Jennifer Miller
Bel Air, MD

07 September, 2006 12:37  

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