Tuesday, July 11, 2006

It was something I read

I’ve been learning a lot about leadership recently - I think it’s something I’ll always be trying to understand better - and what a fascinating subject it is too! A wonderful book that I’ve been reading whilst on this quest is called ‘Now, Discover your strengths’ (by Marcus Buckingham and Donald O. Clifton). Something I read really challenged me - the premise of the book is that all too often we focus on our weaknesses, and spend all our energy on managing what we can’t do. The authors turn that type of thinking on it’s head and ask us to think about focussing on our strengths instead - what are the things that we are good at; that energize us when we do them; and that we hit near perfect ‘performance’ in every time. Whilst it mentions weaknesses, and offers some ideas for helping us not be tripped up by them, it strongly argues the case for changing our perspective completely and embracing what we were made for.... rather than be average all rounders, we might just be able to become really excellent in one field or another - what an exciting thought if we could catch hold of what that might mean for us (and others) in our own spheres of influence! Here’s a quote from the book that really hit me, “building on your strengths isn’t necessarily about ego. It is about responsibility”... I’ll leave it with you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with your statements......Andy Stanley basically says the same thing in his book NEXT GENERATION LEADER....He says we as individuals can do it "all" but we want do it all very well. His book encourages us to surround ourselves as leaders with a good team and then we as the Team leader can focus on what we do best. I believe this is what Paul was talking about when he was describing the function of the body.........blessings!

12 July, 2006 13:26  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with your statements......Andy Stanley basically says the same thing in his book NEXT GENERATION LEADER....He says we as individuals can do it "all" but we want do it all very well. His book encourages us to surround ourselves as leaders with a good team and then we as the Team leader can focus on what we do best. I believe this is what Paul was talking about when he was describing the function of the body.........blessings!

12 July, 2006 13:33  
Blogger LTA said...

Hello, Kathryn! Larry Hampton here. I just wanted to welcome you to the blogosphere. I will add you to my blogroll @ Tongues of Angels.

I hope you, Alan and the kids are well. I look forward to reading your posts!

12 July, 2006 17:29  

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